Who are we?
Mendham Alliance for Preservation and Conservation (MAPC) – A non-profit seeking to preserve Mendham for future generations!
Community of neighbors concerned about the future of Mendham
Diverse collaboration – age, careers, background, etc.
Residents of Mendham Township & Borough
People with heterogenous reasons to support “the cause”:
Simple desire to “keep Mendham the way it is”
Care for the Environment & Sustainability
Desire to ensure our greatest asset of open space isn’t eroded through an overly aggressive effort to increase tax rateables.
Fear of precedent setting zoning changes (reversing decades worth of thoughtful planning by prior Township Committees)
Balancing rural/historic qualities with growth objectives
Create sustainability leadership roadmaps for local government
We do not support or endorse any political candidates. We are organized to support the local environment, maintaining the rural and historic qualities of the Mendhams.
Why did we form MAPC?
Formed to specifically address preservation & conservation concerns related to Spring Tree Farms growth plans, a grass roots momentum brought people together that share a desire to enhance the Mendhams with scenic, open space, rural, historic, cultural, and recreational value;
Township Master Plan was changed to pro-development by the Planning Board in Summer 2021 (during COVID) with limited community input;
Balanced 2003 Open Space and Zoning plans (rules to preserve open space, protect water quality, wildlife, prevent dense housing developments, and preserve the character of Mendham) are now largely ignored by the Township
3 major developments were approved by the Planning Board over the last 2+ years despite significant opposition by community (Pitney Farms, Hillendale, & Spring Tree Farms); and
Decreased meeting/minutes transparency by the Planning Board/Township Committee made it difficult for the community to engage and give input on topics such as growth, development, zoning changes, and the preservation of previously ‘protected’ open spaces.
Founding Directors & Active Neighbors
Frank Zammataro – President, Mendham Township resident
Wayne Dubin – Treasurer, Mendham Borough resident
Marta Longo – Secretary, Mendham Township resident
Joshua Moreen – Director, Mendham Township resident
Chris Neff - Director, Mendham Borough resident
Marc Siegel - Director, Mendham Township resident
James Zemaitis – Director, Mendham Township resident
Lynn Dubin - Mendham Borough resident
Tracey Moreen - Mendham Township resident
Ken Dickison - Mendham Township resident
Mitch Riback - Mendham Township resident
What we do?
Charter, Goals, & Objectives
MAPC’s purpose shall be to provide support and advocacy for sustainable land conservation, preservation and stewardship for Mendham Township & Borough. These Include:
Helping to ensure the preservation of the rural qualities of the Mendhams;
The preservation and Conserve the most sensitive areas outlined in the August 2004 Highlands Act;
Identification of contiguous space that can be preserved in perpetuity;
Development of new conservation zoning categories which will limit non-restrictive rezoning in the Township and Borough and create valuable sustainable attributes;
Retain legal, environmental and engineering talent in support of the conservation and preservations goals;
Seek support from all residents of the Mendhams, as well as neighboring communities that benefit from the Raritan, Passaic and Whippany Rivers, which originate in the Mendhams; and
Establish a guide which can serve as an aid to incorporate more sustainable qualities in the Mendhams.
Association Memberships