Vernal Pool Investigation – North Branch of Raritan Headwaters/King’s Shopping Center
Status: Active
The MAPC has teamed with the Raritan Headwaters Association to identify and research vernal pools in Open Space in the Mendhams. Vernal pools are an important element to to clean our headwaters and help regulate water flow and keep our rivers and streams healthy. Important and rare species also exist in these ephemeral pools, typically holding water for two months and are the home of rare endangered species such as the blue-spotted salamander. The first area being researched is the Loop Trail open space behind the King’s Shopping Center given the potential for disturbance of this area by the newly proposed apartment complex.
Project Work Downloads
8/21/2024 Prepared MAPC Testimony to Mendham Borough JLUB 8-20-24 Regarding V-fee Application Public Session-compressed
11/16/2023 Presentation to Mendham Borough ECOSST 11/6/2023 [COMING SOON}
11/3/2023 Research on Vernal Pool [MAPC MB Vernal Pool Research Oct 2023.pdf] 17.7mb
11/3/2023 Field Kit for Vernal Pool ID in Wetlands [MAPCRWA Field Kit for Vernal Pool Identification in Wetlands.pdf] 86kb
Mixed Zoning Initiative – Project Name: MERRF
Status: Active
The MAPC has taken an active interest in municipal conservation zoning since the up-zoning of the Irene Spring Tree properties Similarly, the MAPC has witnessed the push to use Green Acres for commercial purposes and more recently multiple housing developments which can impact the Mendhams for years to come. Further complicating the land use issue is a new law potentially legalizing the use of preserved farms for alternative non- farm entertainment purposes. Given these trends, the MAPC is researching innovative zoning strategies which can be an effective way to balance future growth. For example, a “MERRF” category might be defined as Mixed-Use, Education, Recreation, Residential and Farming which permits mixed land uses in a single area with new rules to maintain infrastructure, educational capacity and quality of life.
Project Work Downloads
11/16/2023 MERRF Concept Paper [MERRF 7-14-23.pdf] 854kb
Preservation & Policy
Status: Active
The MAPC became active in the discussion in early February and is working towards the articulation of a preservation credit offset to affordable housing mandates. The current bill does not take key environmental attributes into consideration, which, in many cases, support municipalities beyond the borders of a town. In Mendham Township's and Borough's case, the headwaters of the Raritan, Passaic and Whippany Rivers serve over 5 Million New Jerseyans with drinking water. The work below represents the MAPC's best thinking to create a preservation credit for inventoried environmental attributes that can be credited and valued by such legislation.
Project Work Downloads
2/7/2024 Frank Zammataro MAPC Letter Bill A4S50 February 7, 2024 [MAPC Letter Bill A4S50 February 7, 2024.pdf, 720kb]
2/16/2024 MAPC Preservation Credit Categories, Checklist & Special Credit Examples 2-16-24 [MAPC Preservation Credit Categories, Checklist & Special Credit Examples 2-16-24.pdf, 248kb]
2/21/2024 MAPC Preservation Credit Scoring System Example [MAPC Preservation Credit Scoring System Example 2-21-24.pdf, 107kb]
2/22/2024 MAPC Preservation Credit Support Letter Template [MAPC Preservation Credit Support Letter Template 2-22-24.docx, 14kb]
2/23/2024 MAPC Amendment Drafts for A4S50 [MAPC Amendment Drafts for A4S50.pdf, 108kb]
3/11/2024 Testimony at New Jersey State Senate [MAPC A4S50 March 11th Testimony 3-11-24.pdf] 149kb
4/10/2024 MAPC Rationale for Preserving a 41A-59 Tingley [MAPC Rationale for Preserving a 41A-59 Tingley 4-10-24.pdf] 492kb
4/9/2024 Rationale for Preserving 3 Tingley Rd. [Rationale for Preserving 3 Tingley Rd. 4-9-24.pdf] 524kb
4/21/2024 Balancing Act-Preservation & Affordable Housing [Balancing Act-Preservation & Affordable Housing 4-21-24.pdf] 150kb
4/28/2024 Balancing Affordable Housing & Preservation Options [Balancing Affordable Housing & Preservation Options 4-28-24.pdf] 140kb
5/29/2024 MAPC Land Steward Job Description [MAPC Land Steward Job Description.pdf] 162kb
5/29/2024 Cross Functional Approach to Mendham Township Stewardship of Existing & New Open Space [Cross Functional Approach to Mendham Township Stewardship of Exisiting & New Open Space.pdf] 217kb
Spring Tree Farms Zoning Change & Development
The re-zoning will likely result in the presentation of a new plans for additional lots for future development. The conservation of the most sensitive wetland/wildlife habitat areas was and is the MAPC priority. Our hope is to engage early in the process to explore.
Environmental engineer & Planner review of new plans;
Endangered species investigation;
Investigation of the Highland Act requirements;
Validate that setbacks are compliant;
Purchase of contiguous land adjacent to preserved open space;
Preservation of Wetlands and Headwater areas; and
Consideration of ecological maps in all future development discussions at Planning Board and governing body committees.
Project Work Downloads
11/22/2021 Frank Zammataro testimonial to Town Council at meeting 8/15/2022 [Zammataro Mendham Township Testimony 11-22.pdf, 61kb]
8/18/2022 MAPC Presentation to Town Council [MAPC-Mendham Township Planning Board - 2022-compressed.pdf, 1.3mb]
7/25/2022 New proposed septic location for property [Septic Plan Spring Tree.jpg, 3mb]
9/7/2022 MAPC Response to NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands Application by Tree Farm [MAPC Response to LOI - Spring Tree Farms 9-12-22, 735kb]
10/3/2022 Great Swamp Watershed Assoc.- Across the Watershed Fall/Winter Newsletter [GSWA-Fall-Winter-2022-MAPC Article.pdf, 257kb]
12/21/2022 MAPC Tree & Steep Slope C1 Protection Illustration 12-21-21.pdf
12/21/2022 Applicable Mendham Township Tree Ordinance 12-21.pdf
12/21/2022 MAPC Davey Group Habitat Assessment 12-21-21.pdf
12/21/2022 MAPC Testimony Exhibit 12-21-21.pdf
12/21/2022 Bowman Engineers - 2022-12-21_LAWRENCE FARM ESTATES TESTIMONY OUTLINE.pdf
1/16/2023 MAPC Opinion Letter Signed January 16, 2023.pdf
1/18/2023 MAPC Legal Opinion and Summation to Mendham Township Planning Board requesting conditions of approval to protect Passaic River headwaters and habitat on January 18, 2023
2/6/2023 Final Letter to Town Council of Mendham Township [MAPC Letter to Township Committee 2-6-2023.pdf]
Mendham Mushrooms
The MAPC is tracking an interesting proposal from a new private Company, Mendham Mushrooms LLC, to use the Buck Hill and Leddell Preserve for experimentation with fungi to reforest native species. Both properties are governed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acre Laws which requires an "earnest" review process which we are requesting be conducted by the Mendham Township Committee before any agreements are finalized. Please get involved in this pivotal decision!
Project Work Downloads
9/7/2022 Letter of record to Mendham Town Council - MAPC position [MAPC Mendham Mushroom Cover Letter & Conditions 9-7-22.pdf, 569kb]
8/30/2022 Mendham Environmental Committee Recommendations to Town Council [ec_comments_mendham_mushrooms_aug_2022.pdf, 129kb]
8/30/2022 Frank Zammataro MAPC Recommendations [MAPC Mendham Mushroom Position Paper for August 30th TC Meeting.pdf, 753kb]
8/30/2022 Mendham Mushrooms Presentation Proposal [20220711_mendham_mushrooms_presentation.pptx, 13mb]
8/30/2022 Additional notes from Mendham Mushrooms [Reforestation thesis discussion v1.docx, 40kb]
8/30/2022 Mendham Mushroom Targets on Open Space Lands [Mushroom Target Properties.pptx, 2.6mb]
8/30/2022 Historical Preservation Society Position on the Project [HPC mushroom statement.docx, 15kb]